A Young Heart
Friends will come and friends will
I never get use to the pain
of losing someone I have come to
the tears still fall like rain
For every friend I have ever known
I say a prayer each nite
no matter how far apart we've grown
I still hold memories tight
for within those memories I can find
the happiness once shared
a simpler time passes through my
a time when we once dared
To open our hearts without reserve
innocent and naive
to seek the friendship we all deserve
a bond we did conceive
Yet somewhere along the way we lost
the need to be so close
into the wind the friendship, we
as life dealt another dose
professional obligations and family
seemed to distract us away
no longer time to hear each other's
or to share each other's day
Then days turn to weeks and weeks
to years
and all of a sudden we find
the only thing left of friendship
is the tears
for the friends we left behind
The closeness destroyed by the need
to succeed
all too soon we are left alone
to face the final years of our lives,
when indeed
if we could have only known
how much we've missed that could have
been shared
how rich our lives could be
if we had made the time to show how
much we cared
if we had taken time to see
How truly meaningful life can be with
good friends
and how lonely it is without
I encourage you now, in your youth,
to make ammends
if you will, I have no doubt
In your later years, you will be glad
you invested
the time it takes to nourish
lifelong friendships that will withstand
being tested
and with tender care will flourish
Then you will find instead of memories
and tears
you have a friend to hold
if you take the time to help it grow
thru the years
your heart will never grow old
DD ROBEY 10/22/98
Used with authors consent
Email Diane ~ Author~
Music: For The Good Times