I will never forget how I felt the morning of September 11th, 2001.
I watched the live news coverage, sitting with bible in hand, wondering
if it was the beginning of the end of the world.
As a young girl, I watched coverage of the Viet Nam war on the nightly
news, and never really grasped the severity or the horror of war.
I was not old enough to have lost a husband, I had no older brothers, and
my father (even though in the Air Force) was never sent to fight in Viet
Nam. I had friends who lost brothers or fathers, but it just didn't
hit home what was really going on in the world. As a child, and even
as a young woman, I had a hard time grasping that when someone dies, they
never come back.
I remember driving home from work one night, and listening to the car
radio to learn that we had just entered into Desert Storm. My youngest
son was born that year, and I was overwhelmed with emotion at the thought
of where our world seemed to be headed. I pulled to the side of the
road, as did many others ... and we listened, and we prayed. And
I cried. The feeling of helplessness was overwhelming.
I have come to realize, now that I am older, that this world will never
be without war, or tragedies, until the day that there is no more world.
There will always be freedoms and rights to fight for, and there will always
be those who would fight to take those freedoms and rights away.
Thank God for the hearts, spirits, and souls of those who defend us, who
take care of us, and who have died for us, so that we might live in a free
Never Forget.
In Memory of 9-11-2001
Two years now, since the Twin Towers fell.
A year ago, we heard the ringing of the bell.
This year I'm wondering, what the reminder will be
to help us hold them, forever, in our memory.
The people who died, so needlessly ...
The heroes who gave, so selflessly ...
The injured who survived, yet will never be free,
from the nightmares they endure, of this tragedy.
The World mourned a Nation under attack.
Most came to our aid, to help us fight back.
Soldiers gave their all, from deep in their hearts,
now it's time for the rest of us to do our part.
I hear the crowds saying, "But what can WE do?".
You can show your support for the Red, White and Blue.
Say a prayer, light a candle, fly your flag at half mast;
make sure your voice is heard, by the vote that you cast.
Volunteer, lend a hand, whenever you can.
Share a smile, or a hug, to show you understand.
Have patience, and faith, that we'll see this thing through,
but never forget the ones who've sacrificed for you.
The people who died, so needlessly ...
The heroes who gave, so selflessly ...
The injured who survived, yet will never be free,
from the nightmares they endure, of this tragedy.
Author DD Robey
(c)9/5/2003 Used with permission
Read more of Diane's poetry Here

Music "Absent
Friends" Midi