Suicide is
not the answer to the problems of life
it just brings
more heartache, more pain, more strife
for those
who would be left behind to carry on
left yearning
for the loved one they miss, now gone
it is a senseless
act; a coward's way out
of a lifetime
of struggling, confusion and doubt
Can you not
see that everything we become
is based on
faith, not where we come from
Anything in
life worth having is worth working hard for
relationships, whether friend, family or lover
we all make
mistakes, but how else can we learn
to accept
who we are, self respect we then earn
Life is not
about keeping score; who will win or lose
it is about
who we start out as, and how we choose
to live the
rest of our lives whether in pain or glory
if we end
it too soon, we never finish the whole story
A chapter is
gone from all of our lives then, you see
the ending
will never be what it was meant to be
the living
left wondering, what went so wrong
that a heart
gave up when once was so strong
When life is
too much and we think we can't go on
we must forgive
ourselves for what we have done
then forgive
others, for the wrongs we've endured
it was all
foreseen, of this you can be assured
By the force
who put us here when time began
Almighty God,
the maker of the master plan
He knew in
advance we would be who we are
a piece of
the puzzle, and yet each one a star
The rain is
his tears, shed out of love
the thunder
his anger from high above
the sun his
light so that we might see
all of the
love he has for you and me
So when you
are feeling so depressed and so blue
you can't
find the answers, and don't know what to do
don't think
of suicide as the answer to your prayers
rather prayers
as the answer to all of your fears
DD Robey 8/31/98
Robey ~
with permission