At Christmas Time~"
is the day children wait for
when they
anxiously wake to find
presents under
the tree to adore
which Santa
has left behind
Day is finally here
they wish
it would never end
they wait all year
for the gifts,
on which, they depend
Yet do they
know, or really care
why we celebrate
this way?
Is it only
about the gifts we share
and the meal
on Christmas Day?
I fear the
true meaning has been lost
for the birthday
celebration of our Lord
We tend to
forget the extreme cost
to God, our
Maker, for our own accord.
With the birth
of Christ, a promise was kept
God unselfishly
gave His only begotten Son
and as Jesus
began his journey, God wept
because he
knew what was still yet to come.
Yet He rejoiced
at the gift he had given you and me
knowing our
souls were reborn that day
we were given
the gift of life, eternally
for which
Jesus Christ, with his own life, did pay
The meaning
of Christmas has been made very clear
it's a birthday
celebration for christians everywhere
a time to
celebrate with those we hold dear
and a time
to thank God, because he cared.
So while you're
busy making plans and decorating this year
wrapping gifts,
baking goodies, and spreading good cheer
sharing a
holiday feast with family and friends, so dear
don't forget
to give thanks to the one who put us here
D D Robey
Used with
the authors permission